The summer of the Granitites is planned for the unplanned and for recovery

One is playing golf, another is renovating his summer house, a third is enjoying the summer in the city, and someone is shaking off the dust of Finland and heading south. After two uncertain corona summers, we are treated to the summer of all time, both in terms of domestic tourism, cultural events and travel in general. We asked three people from Granit what their summer vacation includes and how an expert prepares for the post-summer period, rested and refreshed.

Jannen's summer is guided by the winds

Graniitti Services - Janne

Janne Kilponen, our experienced ICT and project operations professional forgets development tasks, projects and projects for the summer and considers his only goal to sail where the winds take him.

In sailing, traveling is the most important part, even if we are moving from one place to another. Sounds like the perfect way to recover and forget about everyday life.

- I'm sailing the whole vacation In the Archipelago Sea and Åland. There is no time for anything else, and there is no need, says Janne.

In addition to having ICT service management and procurement expertise in the field, Janne is also an experienced seafarer.

- The best thing about summer is the sea and the Finnish archipelago and the opportunity to be and do all kinds of things together with the family. I'm really looking forward to the ropes coming off the home pier and the journey can start again, Janne sums up her summer plans.

Camilla draws her summer from nature

Graniitti Services - Camilla Kjerin

Camilla Kjerin, Graniit's experienced project and project manager, whose experience covers several different industries, literally gets grounded in the summer when he hits his hands in the dirt.

- In the summer, I refuel the Finnish nature and the sun, so that I can cope with the work of the winter.

Hands in the soil, growing edible delicacies in the vegetable garden and in the greenhouse are Camilla's recipe for a perfect summer. Even in the summer, Camilla doesn't have any projects, because she has a construction project on her mind - an even bigger greenhouse.

- On vacation, I move a lot in the woods, pick mushrooms and berries, take a dip in natural waters and sleep according to my own rhythm, says Camilla.

Nature gives Camilla almost everything she needs to recover, but in the summer she also finds more time for reading and saunas in the wood sauna. Determined and precise in her working life, Camilla forgets about calendars and schedules in the summer:

- In the summer, I have an empty calendar and plan what I do according to the weather, says Camilla.

Toni's vacation starts at the top of the fell

Toni Takala, Graniit's business and user-oriented project professional is looking forward to this summer vacation with special enthusiasm, because the spring and early summer have been hectic.

- Usually, at the beginning of the vacation, I like to take a few rest days, when I spend my time, as the name suggests, resting: I go to sleep when I feel like it; I sleep as long as I want, read books, watch TV, take naps and just be. This is the absolute best way to let go of everyday routines, advises Toni.

Toni's summer vacation focuses on domestic destinations and events.

- I start my vacation in Ruka, where my mother is from. I will participate in the Solstice machine music event at the top of Rukatunturi, which will surely be a unique experience in the nightless night. In addition to this event, I myself have tickets to the Flow Festival event at the end of the summer and to the Visio Festival, and I don't think that my participation will be limited to these, if the old signs are true.

Toni's dreams also include a small trip abroad, for example to her favorite city Berlin.

- I might take a sudden departure if a suitable target is found.

The best thing about Toni's and other Graniitti people's vacation is that you don't have to plan everything to the minute - not even in advance. A perfect counterweight to work where planning and schedules are an absolute prerequisite and projects are carried through to the finish line.

Graniitti Services

We Graniittilaiseten recommend for the summer of 2022 to try at least one of the following: