Outi Penttilä: 20 years of remote work experience has helped to create clear routines in everyday life

Over the past year, many have left remote jobs and switched to working with a hybrid model. Graniit is familiar with both models, as over the years we have worked in many different operating environments and in different teams, applying different models face-to-face and via screen. We see the fact that we can work completely independently of location as a big advantage.

Outi Penttilä is our experienced project and service management professional who currently only works remotely. Many people struggle with remote work, for example with their own time management, but Outi's typical remote work pitfalls do not cause problems. The routines are already refined, because remote work has been familiar to him for 20 years, of which Outi has only worked remotely for the last year. However, Outi does not rule out returning to close work sometime in the future.

- Over the past year, I've noticed that the freedom to choose whether I stay in remote work or whether I go to the office suits me best, i.e. some kind of hybrid model, says Outi.

Granite tackles the risks of remote work

Remote work, hybrid work and multi-location work are rapidly becoming more common. Thanks to digitization, work is increasingly independent of location, especially in expert work.

Of course, telecommuting also involves risks: Working hours may get longer, and work and free time may mix. Some may find it difficult to disconnect from work, which may cause excessive stress.

If there is a family at home, remote work requires adaptation from all parties. When working remotely, you may also experience loneliness and the experience of isolation from the work community.

At Granit, we want to tackle the risks of remote work, and make sure that even remote work does not experience loneliness or the feeling of being outside. We also make sure that the employees are well, even if we don't meet face to face - behind everything is good communication. We believe that we will succeed when we support the management of our own work, we take care of communication and we take care of sharing information.


Outi Penttilä | Kokenut projekti-ja palveluhallinnan ammattilainen

Outi has not experienced loneliness in remote work, and lists the advantages of remote work as e.g. saving time, a calm work environment and the opportunity to choose one's work environment. However, he admits that work sometimes takes time, he forgets to go to work and the working days get longer. Since there are no face-to-face meetings or hallway conversations during the working day, Outi has felt it is important to arrange lunch dates from time to time.

- I try to go out for lunch anyway, at least a few days a week. One way to rhythm the day is also a small walk in the morning, when it's like I'm going to work. Correspondingly, after the working day, it's time to jump home again as a sign of going home, Outi describes his routine, and reminds that it's important to take other small breaks during the day as well.

It is also worth investing in a remote working workstation so that you can change your working position during the day.

Managing your own work requires a lot. Outi has a habit, if possible, of leaving time between meetings so that he can promote the tasks that came up in the meetings at the same time.

- Only I know my calendar, so I try not to promise things in too tight a schedule - of course sometimes it is necessary and you have to be flexible. When doing things that require concentration, I turn off my e-mail, phone and communication devices.

Motivation is maintained when communication works

Remote work requires trust, joint planning and agreement, and support for the remote worker's independent work.

- In remote working, I see it as important to have an open and regular and low threshold for communication with the supervisor and colleagues, says Outi and emphasizes that it is also particularly important to agree on work methods and tools for communication.

At Granit, the employer and colleagues are visible in everyday life through weekly phone calls, regular Teams meetings, and colleagues are contacted through different means of communication every day.

Out has no problems with work motivation.

- To an appropriate degree, change, development of doing things and promoting and completing things are motivating.

Outi's strengths include good organizational and communication skills, which support remote work. For Out, it is also no problem to manage a team or a project in a virtual environment. The ability to easily adapt to changes and new situations and a positive attitude also support working alone.

- I currently like my job and the challenges it offers. The different people I get to work with add to the meaning of the work, says Outi.

Advantages of remote work for the employee:

Advantages of remote work for the employer:

Risks and challenges of telecommuting for the employee:

Source: https://www.ttl.fi/teemat/tyoelaman-muutos/etatyo-hybridityo-ja-monipäikkainen-tyo