Nina Huhtakangas | Kokenut projekti- ja hankepäällikkö.

Our expert Nina's thoughts on leadership

Our expert Nina's thoughts on leadership Lead yourself first so that you can lead others During my working career, I have collected thoughts on leadership in a little red notebook. I have kept those thoughts with me as a guideline in many different life situations. I wrote one of the most important instructions in that red notebook more than 20 years ago and it reads like this: "Lead yourself first so you can lead others." To lead himself…

Aino-Maija Vaskelainen: Research trips to the future of work

Aino-Maija Vaskelainen: Research trips into the future of work At the dawn of summer, it was almost in our hands until it flew away for a while, only to return again soon. Maybe you can guess what. Back to something, but what? Or perhaps we are facing a transition towards something new? The uncertainty of taking the next steps is palpable in almost all organizations. My intention is not to confuse, but if someone out there is waiting for national authority instructions how to...

Outi Penttilä: Tips for working in multicultural and multi-editor environments

Outi Penttilä: Tips for working in multicultural and multi-vendor environments I am grateful, happy and lucky that I have been able to work in multicultural and multi-vendor environments several times during my career. My life backpack has grown enormously with these experiences. In projects in a multi-supplier environment, I think it is absolutely important to keep a lot of threads in your hands in order to reach the desired end result. In addition, it is important to crystallize what the project is aiming for, as well as to clarify the different...

New board members

Graniitti's board gets stronger Our board gets stronger with two new members Satu Koskinen and Jani Koskinen have been appointed to the board of Graniitti Services Oy. They bring more substantive expertise, experience, and new objective perspectives to the development of the company to Granit. We warmly welcome them to join us in supporting Graniiti's operations. With his experience, Satu Koskinen (IT-INS) brings strong expertise in business development to board work. During his career, he has worked in several...

New skilled experts for Graniitti

More excellence in Graniiti's team Over the past year, Graniiti's spirit of doing things has continued with interesting assignments, and before the financial year changes, we have added more rock-hard professionals to our team. We are happy to welcome the new Graniittilaisen, Tom, Maarit and Eeva, who have already all started working on customer projects. Tomi Joined Graniiti earlier in the last half of the year. Tomi, who has traveled all over the world for work, is goal-oriented...