Customer story: The textile industry's online store takes agile methods to a new level

As a client, a Finnish textile company that focuses on the design and manufacture of high-quality materials. The company strives to utilize responsible production methods and promote sustainable development, inspiring its customers to be creative and offering materials that withstand use and time.

Starting point

The client maintains and develops an international online store, and the goal of the assignment was to implement the company's needs and goals suitable IT working methods in the development of online shopping, continuous service production and documentation. We also wanted to make use of agile development frameworks and take the best practices from them. 

Graniit needed strong Product Owner expertise and guidance in analyzing and developing the company's IT working methods. The goal was to describe the processes suitable for them, from creating system documents, project planning and control, utilizing agile development and system maintainability.


We helped the customer in cooperation with a third party that developed an online shopping solution for the customer. In this multinational team, we functioned as Product Owners and directed activities according to the reference framework of agile development. Tools were chosen for the client, which enable more systematic management of IT processes and documents. With this, the client got access to a project and work management system, which allows the progress of the development work to be monitored in real time and possible deviations can be quickly reported.

We compiled the online store development backlog and took it to the new chosen tool. A collaboration platform designed for teamwork and documentation management was also selected from the same product family, on which ready-made templates for projects and system documentation were built. We were with the client in organizing a third-party training for the client's employees, where the use of new tools was practiced together. Document templates were described, which can be used to plan the following new projects and ensure that everything necessary is documented in them. In addition, we described the processes of existing IT systems, so that up-to-date descriptions of all functionality in production could be found.


As a result, the client received ready-made models that will enable it to plan and document projects at a sufficient level in the future. We familiarized the customer with the best practices in implementing system development and documenting functionality in production. The customer was also helped to choose the most suitable tools for managing the backlog and monitoring the progress of the work, as well as making documentation.

The customer got access to an agile development reference framework designed for its own operating environment, by following which it is able to produce e-commerce solutions with a fast cycle and quickly create added value for end users. In addition, the customer received a clear and prioritized backlog of the development features of the online store, which supports efficient further development.

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