Customer story: forest industry application infrastructure migration to Azure
Customer story: forest industry application infrastructure migration to Azure
Customer story: forest industry application infrastructure migration to Azure
We conducted a stakeholder survey for Porokylä Bakery, which was used to map stakeholders' views and expectations in the field of responsibility.
Textile Industry Customer Story: Taking textile e-commerce to a new level with agile methods The client is a Finnish textile company that focuses on the design and manufacture of high-quality materials. The company strives to utilize responsible production methods and promote sustainable development, inspiring its customers to be creative and offering materials that last over time. The starting point The customer maintains and develops an international e-commerce business and the goal of the assignment was to implement a solution that meets the company’s needs and …
Read more ”Asiakastarina: Tekstiilialan verkkokauppa ketterillä menetelmillä uudelle tasolle”