The IT skills shortage can be solved

Graniitti Services Oy makes effective use of the emerging IT market in Eastern Europe by bringing strong technology expertise from Eastern European countries, such as Moldova and Romania, regardless of location. The newly founded Granitumi, which focuses on international business, operates flexibly in several countries thanks to digitalization. The IT trend will develop even further and Graniitti Services intends to keep up with the development. Graniitti Services Oy's project managers, scrum masters, work in a seamless interaction between the customer and Granitum's IT experts and...

The megatrends of the future speak for sustainability

During autumn 2022, we published publications on megatrends on our LinkedIn pages. We highlighted the megatrends presented in the report published by SEB, which affect our everyday lives now and in the future. The megatrends raised by SEB were: More efficient production chains – Automation, robotics and the Internet of Things are emerging as future trends. The intersection of technology, biology and healthcare - Artificial intelligence will become the most important colleague of doctors and biologists. Accelerating digitalization – Traditional sectors too, …

Why has an experienced expert earned his place?

A supplier has been found for the project or project, who has offered a comprehensive package and put his own know-how to use. But is everything that the editor suggests always necessary? Is it worth bringing in an expert right from the beginning of the project who can both explain and question, keep the budget under control and stick to the schedule? By including an experienced conker in the project, the customer also always gets an expert and his...

An expert brings added value to the implementation of a business-critical system

Every successful project is based on good planning, which starts with a project plan. The plan includes what and how things will be done, as well as how risks, changes and control will be managed. More detailed task-specific plans and the implementation plan are made as separate attachments, which are referenced in the project plan, or maintained in a separate application. This is because the old saying: Well planned is half done is true. Important …

By phasing the project, you reach the goal in clear steps

Has it happened in your organization that the phasing of the project has been missed? Perhaps you created only one deadline for the project and the goals a bit like this and that. Maybe you noticed that the project with its goals should have been broken into smaller parts, phased. Why so? Project phasing is an everyday topic for many, but it is a topic that is good to remind yourself of at regular intervals. Thanks to strong phasing, there is a chance to…

Outi Penttilä | Kokenut projekti-ja palveluhallinnan ammattilainen

Outi Penttilä: 20 years of remote work experience has helped to create clear routines in everyday life

Over the past year, many have left remote jobs and switched to working with a hybrid model. Graniit is familiar with both models, as over the years we have worked in many different operating environments and in different teams, applying different models face-to-face and via screen. We see the fact that we can work completely independently of location as a big advantage. Outi Penttilä is our experienced project and service management professional who does...

Satu Koskinen

The client's expectations for consulting work

Customer expectations for consulting work For us at Graniittilai, it is particularly important to strengthen our already rock-solid professionalism. We meet regularly around important themes, share know-how and experiences among ourselves. This time we had a fast-paced and inspiring guest Satu Koskinen, YTK's CIO and member of Graniiti's board, talk about the topic "customer expectations for consulting work". Satu Koskinen IT director of YTK and a member of Graniit's board A very interesting topic raised...

Graniitti Services

The summer of the Granitites is planned for the unplanned and for recovery

One is playing golf, another is renovating his summer house, a third is enjoying the summer in the city, and someone is shaking off the dust of Finland and heading south. After two uncertain corona summers, we are being treated to the summer of all time, both in terms of domestic tourism, cultural events and travel in general. We asked three people from Granit what their summer vacation includes and how an expert prepares for the post-summer period, rested and refreshed. Janne's summer is guided by the winds Janne Kilponen, ...

Nina Huhtakangas | Kokenut projekti- ja hankepäällikkö.

Our expert Nina's thoughts on leadership

Our expert Nina's thoughts on leadership Lead yourself first so that you can lead others During my working career, I have collected thoughts on leadership in a little red notebook. I have kept those thoughts with me as a guideline in many different life situations. I wrote one of the most important instructions in that red notebook more than 20 years ago and it reads like this: "Lead yourself first so you can lead others." To lead himself…

Aino-Maija Vaskelainen: Research trips to the future of work

Aino-Maija Vaskelainen: Research trips into the future of work At the dawn of summer, it was almost in our hands until it flew away for a while, only to return again soon. Maybe you can guess what. Back to something, but what? Or perhaps we are facing a transition towards something new? The uncertainty of taking the next steps is palpable in almost all organizations. My intention is not to confuse, but if someone out there is waiting for national authority instructions how to...