Partner network

Achieve excellence with the industry's top experts

Tuomme oikeat osaajat and toimeksiannot yhteen

Oli kyse työntekijästämme tai verkostoasiantuntijastamme, takaamme aina parhaan mahdollisen laadun ja tulokset. Osana verkostoamme olet mukana mielenkiintoisimmissa asiakastoimeksiannoissa, osa dynaamista ja kehittyvää työyhteisöä, jossa pääset monipuolisesti hyödyntämään osaamistasi. 


Interesting assignments

We offer a wide range of interesting assignments, where you can make versatile use of your skills.


Participating in the work community

The network is an integral part of the Graniitti community. You have the opportunity to participate in joint trainings, events, and regularly organized leisure activities.



We are a committed and reliable partner with a broad client base, operating independently of technology and industry.


Ease, flexibility and reliability

We take care of the sales work for you, draw up the contracts and take care of invoicing the customer and paying your fee always on time.

Join the best network on the market!

Täytä tietosi alle, niin olen yhteydessä sinuun mahdollisimman pian.

Laura Volmanen

Customer relationship management and sales professional

Contact us

Let's bring the changes to fruition together!

Contact us to discuss how we can help you succeed in business changes and IT projects, always ensuring a successful implementation.

Take it contact us

Get in touch, and let's discuss how we can help you succeed in business transformations and IT projects, ensuring successful implementation.