Our commitment to sustainability

Towards future-proof Graniitti!

We recognize that sustainability is an ongoing journey, where the company's operations and culture must be developed and advanced together with employees and clients. To be the best workplace for us and a trusted partner for businesses, we aim to openly communicate our work and journey in sustainability


GS Spirit,
caring and supporting,

Sustainable and profitable growth

Business expansion, long-term customer relationships, development of staff expertise

Environmental awareness

Carbon footprint, energy consumption, location independence

Sustainable value creation

Responsible strategy, sustainability communication, reliability

Graniitti Services Yritysvastuukatsaus 2023

Read the 2023 corporate responsibility report

  • We mapped our current situation in terms of sustainability work and started building processes
  • We started communicating openly about sustainability
  • The company's first sustainability report (GRI) was published
  • Increasing social responsibility emerged as an area for development in the responsibility survey, so training was organized throughout the year (including on well-being at work).
  • To support sustainable commuting, HSL's employee travel ticket and employee bicycle benefit were introduced.
  • Our company's sustainability team grew, which enabled both stronger development of sustainability work and expansion of sustainability services.
  • Arvioimme edellisvuoden toimintaa ja teimme toiminnan jatkokehityksiä sen pohjalta.
  • The focus of our sustainability work was on developing our staff's skills to promote a more responsible IT industry. We have also identified a need to clarify sustainability issues related to our own industry, so we started incorporating the principles of a sustainable data economy and digital ecosystem into our operations.
  • The company's corporate responsibility review was published taking into account the requirements of the EU Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
  • An internal guide was published to support responsible IT project management
  •  The company's corporate responsibility report will be published in May in accordance with the new voluntary sustainability reporting standard for SMEs, VSME.
  • We continue to clarify sustainability issues related to our industry (including a sustainable data economy and digital ecosystem)

Ask our sustainability experts for more information.


Corporate sustainability service

Autamme yrityksiä heidän matkallaan kohti tulevaisuuskestävää liiketoimintaa sekä olemme vahva ja vastuullisen liiketoiminnan asiantuntijakumppani.

Take it contact us

Get in touch, and let's discuss how we can help you succeed in business transformations and IT projects, ensuring successful implementation.